Monday, May 19, 2008

Elias James Bouchard

Well, we settled on a name for our third child, though around the house he is still affectionately called The Dumpin'. Elias means "My God is Jehovah" and James means "To Follow." We pray that he will become a man who follows God with all his heart.

We're all enjoying him. He is so little! Of course, he sleeps most of the time, but thankfully is eating well. Is there any chance of asking for prayer that he sleeps regularly through the night within two weeks?! : )

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Nameless boy is really cool

We don't know his name yet, but he's gotta be one of the coolest babies yet. He's really chill. Probably only cried about 4 times yesterday. Very alert. And brown eyes of all things! Where did those come from? Sims and Lydie met him yesterday and loved him. I think they are both feeling pretty emotionally antsy though and not sure what to do with that. Sims was screaming at school yesterday when picked up. He has never done that, so I'm thinking he's just feeling a little anxt. He told me he was excited but nervous. Can you blame him! And Lydie, well she runs a little on the more emotional side already anyway. Now that she has two brothers, she'll have even more reason for and right to do so. I had to remind myself that last night as Simmy says "Lydie's a passionate woman"

Friday, May 16, 2008


5lb 8oz, 18inches. Trying to get a little lunch from mama right now. Both the boy and mama are doing great! Now we just need a name. Write more later. Thanks for praying with us!

He's here!

Oh yah, write more soon!


still waiting for the Dr.

looks like the nurse may deliver

who knows!

catheter's out

hold on dumplin!